
Through the planning of high-profile events, the SEMM desires to talk to a scientific and academic audience, but also to disseminate results in relatively broad scientific branches such as:  Molecular Oncology, Computational Biology, Human Genetics and Medical Humanities.

The SEMM considers the organisation of such events a valuable instrument to:

  • publicise the latest updates on research
  • support the establishment of a network of high calibre researchers in different fields
  • foster the acquisition and distribution of a new scientific culture
  • encourage the creation in Europe of a critical mass of talents and knowledge for the advancement of Molecular Medicine
  • provide a meeting place where all the participants, PhD students, basic and clinical researchers or clinicians, can mix, exchange ideas and interact with outstanding guest speakers from all over the world
  • address a broader scientific community and focus on scientific collaboration and communication

These international events are held within the event facilities of the research centres of excellence in which the SEMM operates or in external locations. These events include conferences, workshops, symposiums and theoretical/practical courses.

As part of the ENABLE and IPSCC networks, SEMM also contributes in the organisation of events dedicated to PhD Students only.

The ENABLE conferences are organized by and for PhD students and Postdocs and seek to promote excellence in biomedical sciences in Europe, by supporting young researchers and strengthening their scientific careers. Initially funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, ENABLE is now funded by two important scientific organisations, FEBS and IUBMB and have joined forces to share ENABLE best practices with other international research institutions. To this end, in addition to the four core research centres (IRB Barcelona, RIMLS, NNF CPR, SEMM), other institutions can apply to become associated centres and host an ENABLE conference.
ENABLE conference includes:

Scientific symposium: Two full days during which young scientists will learn about different biomedical fields and cutting-edge techniques through scientific talks and informal chats with renowned scientists.
Science career day: A full day during which participants will be able to attend workshops and career chats with professionals and to visit a Job Fair.
Outreach activities: An important goal of ENABLE is bridging the gap between scientists and society, organising outreach activities that allow participants to explain biomedicine among citizens and bring science closer to society. 

The International PhD Student Cancer Conferences (IPSCC) are organised annually by and for  PhD Students at Cancer Research Institute across Europe and UK. The SEMM Event & Seminar office provides guidance and support in the organisation of the conference when its students are the organisers. The core research centres are: CRUK Cambridge Institute, DKFZ, CRUK Beatson Institute, ICS University of Glasgow, CRUK Manchester Institute, CRUK Oxford Institute, CRUK City of London, Institute of Cancer Research UK, SEMM, Francis Crick Institute, MDC, NKI and CRKI. 

The aims of the conference are:

  • to allow high calibre PhD students from cancer research institutes across Europe and UK to organise and present at their own scientific conference
  • to provide the opportunity for students to present and talk to each other about their work, research and scientific life in different research institutes across Europe and UK, as well as the opportunity to interact with plenary speakers
  • to introduce PhD students to cancer research institutes across Europe and UK, and promote mobility in Europe


If you are interested in:

  • maximizing your presence
  • expanding your brand
  • spreading a new corporate message
  • building new contacts with delegates
  • meeting competitors and critical industry trends

SEMM can offer you different opportunities and benefits through its multidisciplinary events.

As a non-profit foundation, SEMM promotional opportunities are not tailored to make a profit, but they are used to cover event-related costs and to further reduce the registration fees and/or to create travel grants for young scientists.


For general information

, Event & Seminar Coordinator
SEMM Foundation
Via Adamello 16 - 20139 Milan, Italy
Phone: +39.02.94375037
Email: sabrina.frata [AT]

For administrative and financial details

, Administrative Director
SEMM Foundation
Via Adamello 16 - 20139 Milan, Italy
Phone: +39.02.57489806
Email: laura.massardi [AT]