SEMM Roundtables

This is an initiative that SEMM is promoting together with all of its affiliated research institutes, both in Milan (HT, IEO, IFOM, IIT, INGM), Turin (IIGM) and Naples (CEINGE, TIGEM).

This series are based on an interactive, dynamic format, in which there are short talks by 3 speakers, followed by an open-ended Questions & Answers session (Roundtable) with the audience. The chair manages the questions and also animate the discussion.

With this series SEMM creates better awareness on a series of front-line technologies, approaches and scientific questions.

As of 2022, SEMM wishes to enlarge the scientific scope of the program. The next series will also include Roundtables dealing with front-line fundamental and translational questions in biological and biomedical sciences.

Roundtable Steering Committee

- Bruno Amati, SEMM Scientific Director (IEO), bruno.amati [AT]
- Beatrice Bodega (INGM), bodega [AT]
- Davide Cacchiarelli (TIGEM), d.cacchiarelli [AT]
- Alessandro Vannini (Human Technopole), alessandro.vannini [AT]

Program Manager

Sabrina Frata (SEMM)
Phone: +39 02 94375037
E: roundtables[AT] - sabrina.frata [AT]

Some of SEMM Roundtables have been recorded, take a look HERE

For further details and registration, please click here