SEMM students from the different school sites will get together to attend scientific and career sessions. They will share research with their peers during the poster sessions and short talks, meet the key note speakers, establish networks, identify non-canonical career paths, learn about dissemination of science to the public and much more.
This event is totally organized by the SEMM students supported by the SEMM office.
SEMM is an International partner of European networks and PhD students are directly involved in the organization of international meetings and internal events.
The European Academy for Biomedical Science (ENABLE) is a series of conferences, organized by and for young researchers in the molecular life sciences. They have an international and interdisciplinary scope, and combine a world-class scientific symposium with a range of career and outreach activities. The aim of the initiative is to empower young researchers by giving them the necessary tools and inspiration to successfully organize a conference for their peers.The first four conferences were held at:
IRB Barcelona (Barcelona), CPR (Copenhagen), RIMLS (Nijmegen) and SEMM (virtually from Milan), and were funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (2017-2020, grant agreement 724115). FEBS and IUBMB are now funding the conference series from 2022 to 2025, to ensure the continuation of this excellent initiative.
NEXT EVENT WILL BE HELD AT the NTU in Singapore, on 4-6 December 2024.
International PhD students Cancer Conference (IPSCC)
SEMM is part of a network of 8 top cancer research institutes across Europe. An annual cancer conference is organised to provide the opportunity for students to present their work, get in contact with other PhD students working in the same field and interact with international renewed scientists invited as keynote speakers.
Next event will be held at Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, on 12-14 June 2024.
Students can combine efforts to organise a “topic” workshop in order to build a scientifically active and involved community and to foster the students’ skills in networking. The Educational Committee and the SEMM graduate office will provide guidance and support in the organization of the workshop. The workshop will be considered as an optional SEMM course to be offered to the other students. Participation will also be open to external PhD attendees.
Graduation day
Every year, during the last week of January, the SEMM graduate office organises the graduation day, during which students that completed their PhD course discussed the thesis in front of the University examination board that will then award the PhD degree during the ceremony.